Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Word of the Day Journal FREEBIE

In the last post I talked about my word of the day jar, now I have created a journal for your students to track their new words! Vocabulary is so vital for a child's education, and that is why I thought a journal was a great way for students to remember all of their new words!

I created a simple and free word document that you can reproduce and hole punch for your student's binder or folder. In this document the students can write the date, the word, what they think the word means, and what the dictionary definition says. 

I think this activity would be great for transition time, morning meeting, or even if you have extra time at the end of the day! How cool will it be when your students can look back on all the vocabulary they learned throughout the year! 

How are you going to incorporate vocabulary in your classroom? Download your FREE printable here

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